This is Mr. Douglas Evans aka "PUNKIN" with his lovely wife Brently. Punkin and his wife have lived behind my parents house on the adjacent farm for as long as I can remember. He has been a farm hand all his life. "Best Tractor Man I ever seen" his boss man was known to say.
Punkin and Brently raised three sucessful children all living in diffrerent parts of our great country.
I remember Punkin growng up as always smiling and quick to throw up his hand to wave at you as if it had been years since he'd seen you. And mostly on one type of tractor or another.
Punkin, in his off time, could usually be seen on his his lawnmower at the the end of his dirt road at Hwy 87 waving at everyone, especially to those that would honk and wave at him.
You don't see Punkin up at the road much anymore. He contracted throat cancer this year and had to have his voice box removed. Some say he won't be with us much lomger. I say the world will be a lot sadder without him.
I like all of us have been blessed with a talent. I truely enjoy being able to capture a persons spirit and soul in a medium that allows their loved ones to remember and cherish them. That in itself is a gift to me.
I welcome any comments on this portrait.
Ken, Hi, My name is Karen Ross Wheby. My father was Robert "Bob" Ross. We lived on the Trails End Rd. Punkin used to work for my dad when I was a little girl. My mom has a photo of Punkin in black and white, he had his back against a buck barn with a cowboy hat on and a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. He was asleep. My mom used to love to take pictures. If I can find it I will forward a copy to you (It will be like looking for a needle in a hay stack) I really like your photo of Punkin. Take care, Karen